a bit
of history
It is only natural that Le Régal should draw on the heritage of this century-old brand. Back in 1906, the Torfou site manufactured canned vegetables, not just the containers, but also the contents… farm to table before it came fashionable.
Today a listed French industrial heritage site, the “Le Régal” canning plant was bought by the company Baudry. An additional source of inspiration for the design of the Le Régal accessories. Additional, because it comes on top of the experience garnered by Baudry in the machining of solid wood. It boasts a 45-year history in the shaping and machining of wood with due respect for the material without every skimping on style. Created in 1971 to meet the needs of furniture manufacturers, the company turned a new page in its history in 2019, with the launch of its first brand dedicated to kitchenware and tableware. Le Régal, a new chapter in an adventure driven by passionate pioneers.
regal: [masculine name, cross between the old French “rigoler”, which translates as “to laugh”, “to entertain”, and “gale”: rejoicing. A dish particularly appreciated by someone. great pleasure that we find something].

If you, too, love reliable utensils… but without skimping on the aesthetics of always-ready kitchenware.
If, like us, you are convinced that wood is THE ideal material to work, chop, serve and share… With just the right combination of simplicity and sophistication.
If you can’t resist a colourful bite, a crunchy open sandwich or a fresh fruit carpaccio…